Trust (Pulitzer Prize Winner)

av Hernan Diaz

ISBN 9780593420324

Pris: 169:-

An unparalleled novel about money, power, intimacy, and perception

At once an immersive story and a brilliant literary puzzle, TRUST engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the deceptions that often live at the heart of personal relationships, the reality-warping force of capital, and the ease with which power can manipulate facts.


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Trust (Pulitzer Prize Winner)

av Hernan Diaz

ISBN 9780593420324

Pris: 169:-


An unparalleled novel about money, power, intimacy, and perception

At once an immersive story and a brilliant literary puzzle, TRUST engages the reader in a quest for the truth while confronting the deceptions that often live at the heart of personal relationships, the reality-warping force of capital, and the ease with which power can manipulate facts.